- FOR U / I CAN -
| Custom Silk Graffiti Flags + Tags |
Small | 1' - 3' | $595
Medium | 4' - 5' | $1,595
Large | 6' | $2,595
XL | 6' + | $3,595 +
Live Site-specific Installations | price upon request
| Weddings + Events |
- here -
| Soft Adornments / Attire Embellishments / Set Design / Editorial Collabs |
- here -
| THE EROTIC PROJECT Offerings + Events |
- here -
Flags + wall tag installations available in 4 sizes / Small / Medium / Large / XL / Choose from block or script lettering.
Flags, Banners, + Attire Embellishments sewn by hand + shipped anywhere in the world. Tags created on-site.
AUBRIÉ COSTELLO is a visual artist, creative director, + curator. Their collaborative projects amalgamate photography, film, music, + performance art + depict intimate narratives + portrayals in each vignette. These works chronicle the often unseen, intimate moments, + nuanced emotions experienced within our personal relationships with self + others. Their passion project they’ve been producing for two years is called THE EROTIC PROJECT. THE EROTIC PROJECT is an ongoing collaborative multimedia art project exploring slow pleasure practice + inclusive eroticism as mutual care for our collective healing. Over 40 artists from Philadelphia, Los Angeles, + Mexico City are involved in their project which centers BIPOC LGBTQIA+ voices. They are co-creating beautiful intimate short films, interactive exhibitions, considered experiences, + artful literary resources, all centered around the transformative power of inclusive, accessible, trauma-informed eroticism, + identity expression. As a visual artist, Costello creates tangible fiber art objects + costumes. The objects exist as props for collaborators to wear + interact with on set, then transform into curios which they later repurposes, reconfigures, + reutilizes in site-specific installations + live experiences. Costello's work explores the tension between what’s kept private versus what’s shared publicly + investigates how when our private emotions are revealed transparently + without shame, the opportunity to more deeply understand ourselves, one another, + our interconnectedness presents itself. This understanding could yield more mindful, holistic consideration + collective care, resulting in a more honest, equitable, + abundant society. Costello's work surveys softness as resistance + softness as protest of the internalized hardening + desensitization we continue to learn + exhibit. Their work is an offering to explore the value + transformative power of vulnerability, softness, eroticism, + gentleness + how each can act as a conduit to our collective healing. Costello has exhibited their work extensively in Philadelphia and abroad, most notably at Philadelphia International Airport, International House University of Pennsylvania, Chemical Heritage Foundation (now Science History Institute), Moore College of Art & Design, Main Line Arts Center, Bucks County Community College Hicks Art Center Gallery, The James Oliver Gallery, Projects Gallery, Asian Arts Initiative, Ice Box Project Space, in politically and socially charged exhibitions Truth To Power, Into Action, and WE RISE, and was a co-organizer of the 2017 citywide public art project, Signs Of Solidarity. Costello's work was featured in all 10 episodes of SMILF S2 on Showtime.
The Philadelphia Inquirer, on Aubrie Costello + SMILF:
"The journey that brought Philadelphia artist Aubrie Costello’s “silk graffiti” work into the second season of Showtime’s Boston-set dramedy SMILF started in Philly."
Art News Magazine, on Into Action! + artwork image by Aubrie Costello:
"...artists continue to be at the front of the dialogues that are happening locally and nationally about defining who we are and how we want to live in the future."
LA Times, on Into Action!
“It takes creativity to help us see through our darkest moments, it takes artists to help us make sense of really complex situations and they always have been first to step up to speak truth to power."
City Suburban News, on Aubrie Costello:
"Aubrie Costello's silk graffiti speaks to women's physical and emotional struggles, the power of language, and unrelenting natural elements."
Don Brewer, on Happily Ever After:
"The artists in Happily Ever After resist and embrace the traditional trappings of women’s beauty and identity while rewriting urban legend, redefining women’s work, and re-forging paths to power. In doing so, they not only actualize the female gaze, they stare you straight in the eye."
Rad Girls Philly, on Aubrie Costello:
"Silk graffiti artist Aubrie Costello constructs beautiful words from silk, pins, and nails. But what does she do when words are not enough?"
Sticks + Stones, on Aubrie Costello:
"There's something so romantic about the hand feel of silk, or a bold fiery red hue. It's so bold yet understated, which is an uncommon way of describing anything in Philly... except for Aubrie's work."
Time Out Philly, Three new Philly street artists you should follow on Instagram:
"It’s a self-invented medium truly unlike anything I’ve seen any other street artist (anywhere) create. But because the material is relatively delicate, it can only last for as long as the wind and weather allows. Its extreme ephemerality, though, only adds to its allure."
Fringe Arts, on Aubrie Costello's SHOW ME WHAT YOU WANT ME TO SEE:
"Although the pieces are often large, they feel intimate, like their speaker is whispering to passersby."
Cora, on Fearless Female Aubrie Costello:
"My mission with my work is to start a dialogue, a thoughtful, meaningful conversation, a little self-reflection, with each & every person who takes a minute to slow down and read my silk words hanging before them."
Hyperallergic on Signs Of Solidarity:
"The facades of dozens of buildings around Philadelphia and Atlanta are now adorned with messages of love, unity, and resilience."
Conrad Benner, Streets Dept, Top 10 Street Art Moments of 2016:
"If you’re like me, you entered 2016 completely unaware of silk graffiti and are leaving 2016 completely in love with it and its creator Aubrie Costello..."
Philadelphia Style Magazine on Aubrie Costello:
"Wordy street artist Aubrie Costello spins her silky yarns across Philadelphia. Aubrie Costello is not your typical graffiti artist."
Conrad Benner, Streets Dept, on Silk Graffiti:
"Installed on a rail bridge in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Aubrie’s piece calls for togetherness and was inspired by a popular Benjamin Franklin quote: “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
WHYY Newsworks, Essay: Why Can't You Tell Me How You Feel?
"It's hard to communicate our emotions, to put it into words. It seems that we are unable to clearly express how we feel to one another and decipher how we feel within ourselves."
PMA Contemporary Craft Show, My Favorite Craft: Conrad Benner on Aubrie Costello:
"If I had to pick one artist that’s exciting me right now I’d say Aubrie Costello. She’s a new silk graffiti artist and her work is awesome!"
Moore College of Art and Design on Aubrie Costello:
"Aubrie Costello ’07, 2D Fine Arts, is one of 18 artists selected for the latest Who’s Next: Arts list put together by billypenn.com. Billypenn.com describes the artists and arts professionals chosen out of 125 nominations as ‘heavy hitters in the city’s arts scenes.’ The list highlights some of the most dynamic people under 40 who make up the next generation of leaders and influencers."
Billy Penn, Who's Next Arts, on Aubrie Costello:
"Her work has been spotted in Streets Dept, Philadelphia Magazine and City Paper (RIP.) She’s gotten attention from the fashion world and has worked with labels like local designer Dom Streater’s eponymous brand. She’s a member of the all-ladies art collective The Other Woman and recently her work was featured in Truth to Power, the major exhibition that showed in Callowhill during the Democratic National Convention."
Peopledelphia + Saxbys, on Aubrie Costello, Silk Graffiti, + The Unravel:
"Aubrie Costello is fascinated by dialogue...you’ll learn she used to write down bits of conversation she overheard while sitting in her North Philly studio. She filled notebooks. She’s attracted to words, she says. For her pieces, called Silk Graffiti, Costello collects sheets of silk, shreds them by hand and arranges them into words from her notebooks. You may have seen them around."
Conrad Benner, Streets Dept, on Silk Graffiti:
"Located right outside the Truth to Power exhibition happening right now, on the soon-to-be Rail Park, Aubrie Costello as hung her latest Silk Graffiti piece on Spring Garden street..."
Conrad Benner, Streets Dept, on Silk Graffiti:
"Had the pleasure of spending some time with Philly-based textile artist, Aubrie Costello, today...While Aubrie does often use found (or overheard) quotes for her silk graffiti series, she also pens plenty of her own. Most, she says, deal with relationships."
Art In The Age, The Aura, on Silk Graffiti:
"Philly street artist Aubrie Costello talks about memorializing big moments, listening to the sounds of the street, and being a female artist in Philadelphia."
Michelle Mass, Philadelphia Style Magazine, on Aubrie Costello, Silk Graffiti + The Unravel:
"Showcased around the city for passerbys to see, and for nature to take its course, Costello's artworks are physical interpretations of letting things go."
Style Maniac + 6ABC FYI Philly, on Silk Graffiti Tablescapes:
"Putting a feminine twist on a traditionally masculine art form, Aubrie Costello's Silk Graffiti uses shredded yards of opulent silk to create custom installations of beloved words and phrases...For this project, I asked Aubrie if instead of tagging her art on a wall, she would scrawl silk words across our table."
Chip Schwartz, Knight Arts Foundation, on Silk Graffiti:
"Aubrie Costello breaks up the prevalence of quadrilateral frames in the space by draping swaths of fabric from the walls onto the floor. After hand ripping these sheets of cloth, the artist proceeds to form them into letters, words and phrases, which she then nails directly to the wall. The cryptic statements offer a lot of interpretation on the part of the viewer, and one wonders if the artist herself is even aware of what these snippets of thought could mean for certain...we are ushered into the complex territory of another person's perspective which we will never fully grasp...Costello takes it to a more physical and even violent level. The very act of tearing cloth is inherently destructive even when the end result is art, and her method of mounting the nails is piercing, permanently altering, and more like crucifixion than, say, delicately draping the strips over hooks or fixtures."
Emily Goulet, Philadelphia Magazine, on Silk Graffiti:
"She refers to her work as ‘silk graffiti,’ but it’s far more subtle than what we typically think of when we think of graffiti. Her pieces are haunting phrases, quotes or simple words, rendered in looping strips of shredded silk that she tacks to the wall with nails...As soon as I have a free wall, I’m commissioning her for an installation — because what could be chicer than silk on your walls?"
Angela Velasquez, Vamp Footwear, on Esska + XOAC:
"Esska designer Souraya Karami-Gyves is turning to art to tell her brand’s story. The designer tapped into the artistic talents of Philadelphia-based visual artist Aubrie Costello to create a custom film and installation for Esska’s Fall ’15 campaign titled “Don’t Compromise...Working under the tag XOAC, Costello creates sought after, one-of-a-kind fiber installations known as silk graffiti.”
Style Maniac on Silk Graffiti:
"The result is art that moves and changes almost like a living thing, evolving with and marking the passing of time with mystery and beauty."
Julia West, Philadelphia City Paper, on Silk Graffiti:
"Costello accomplishes this feat by shredding silk and hanging it to form text, balancing bold block letters with delicate fibers. These strips drip from the edges of each character to create an authentic — if not richly enhanced — version of the writing on the walls."
The Art Blog on Aubrie Costello's Holla atcha Girl:
"Among the outstanding work there: ...Aubrie Costello’s pieces from her Philly Hollers series apparently offend the men and delight the ladies according to Projects Associate Director Sequoiah Medley, who sits in the gallery taking in people’s responses (she’s also was a juror of the show). Costello’s installation, with its Lynda Benglis bravado, includes a brief girl’s top, ultra short shorts, and hottie sandals with two giant hot-pink prize ribbons across the cleavage and the crotch. The medusa-like torn and tangled ribbons surround painted messages. The larger ribbon says, “Ya man, He shouldn’t let you out of the house alone.” The smaller one says, “Juicy as Shit.” Costello said she has a notebook filled so far with three years worth of some of the offensive things that men have called out on the street to her and her friends."
Daily Candy on Aubrie Costello:
"Venus Envy. With geniuses like Freud and Mel Gibson leading the quest, it’s no wonder that nobody has a clue what women want. But as Aubrie Costello will tell you, it’s the asking that counts. The North Philly-based artist creates dark, installation-like art that explores femininity, sexuality, and the male perspective on the fairer sex. She uses mixed-media with pastels and oils with cigarette packs; pieces of dupioni silk; and sparkly bits like iridescent paint, gems, and glitter to make arresting visual experiences. Text and hip-hop lyrics spell out her take on relationships. Making Dr. Ruth look like a quack."
Founder Magazine, Artist Profile, on Aubrie Costello: